Sunday, May 10, 2009

Joel: The Comeback Kid

Happy Mother's Day! I miss my girls so much. :( They are having a blast with my sister so I am happy about that.

Again, thank you to all for your words of encouragement and prayers. Modern medicine is wonderful but I truly believe Joel's miraculous recovery is a result of the all the prayers coming our way. Keep them up!

He got moved from ICU to the regular cardiac floor last night around 11:30 pm. Today, he ate a full breakfast and lunch, read about half of his new Bill O'reilly book my dad bought for him, and we just finished walking the halls. His pain is under control and feels as good as can be expected! Yay Joel. He is such a trooper and hasn't complained one time despite everything.

He will have a chest xray, echo, ekg, and a few other tests tomorrow to establish a baseline. If he continues to improve like he has -- he will be home sooner than later! Wow. I cant even believe it.

I am gonna try to take a nap while he is sleeping. More soon.

Love, Michelle


  1. Joel you absolutely AMAZE me! It's obvious to me that you are a very strong man both physically and emotionally. What an inspiration! I was a WAAAY bigger wimp when I had my three c-sections! Every post here gets better and better! I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings! :-) Times like these make me realize how much time has gone by and that we need to make a better effort to keep in touch and see each other more! Take care cuz! I love you and miss you! By the way.. do you realize how much you look like Grandpa? (a younger one of course!)

  2. Glad to hear that things are going as well as they are. Keep up the good work.

    And we hope the entire family is getting some rest.

    Take care,

    Howard & Gina Deutsch

  3. Way to go Joel! You've always been tough as nails! We have been out of town but our prayers have been with you! Sounds like you are on the road to recovery - always expect some bumps in the road though. Looks like you are getting great care and great surgery!

  4. Glad things are going well. I'll continue to keep you both in my prayers and pray for a speedy recovery and home soon. Connie

  5. Michelle and Joel, So relieved things are going well. Keep doing what you are all doing as it seems to be working. And our family certainly understands the difference of superior medical facilities and care. My mom would have never survived her brain tumor if it had not been for Barns Hospital in St. Louis. So happy Joel is getting the best care. We will keep you in our prayers.
    Tiffany & Chad
